Young Professionals Corner: Meet Sizwe Zwane

From dreaming about being a gangster to Revenue Assurance I was born to a teenage mother at the age of 17, as a result both my mother  and I were raised by my grandmother. I grew up in gang-infested community in Soweto, the first time I saw someone get killed I was only 7 years

Joy Mathabatha is planning to be an engineer

She talks more about attending the Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT) week at the University of Pretoria The EBIT WEEK is a four-day holiday program presented by the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT). It is an amazing opportunity for learners to learn more about the departments of Engineering and
She shares some learnings from some of Africa’s Leaders after the Inaugural Obama Africa Leader’s Convening in Johannesburg, July 2018 On Freedom day, the 27th of April 2018, I received an e-mail from The Obama Foundation. The first sentence read, “Congratulations! You have been selected to be a part of the 2018 class of the
The facilitator of the Nka’Thuto Research methodology workshop that took place in Ivory Park in April of 2017 walked over to a seemingly talkative Lerato Mogomane (16) and asked her, “What problem do you want to solve in your community?” She was never ready for Lerato’s response, neither was she ready for the robust discussion