Nka’Thuto intern gets distinction for MSc in Medicine degree
The Nka’Thuto family believes in celebrating the achievements of its people. Celebrations encourage and appreciate the excellent work done by individuals. They also serve as a motivation to the individual to continue in the path they are on. In this issue we congratulate Nka’Thuto EduPropeller intern Nombeko Sikhosana for obtaining her Master of Science in Medicine degree specialising in Mycobacteriology which she obtained CumLaude.
Her MSc which she obtained from the University of the Witwatersrand was titled “Mycobacterium amidases: Biological function and Putative role in cell wall remodelling”. Her study M.Sc. study focused on the mechanisms mycobacteria replicate and persist using the non-pathogenic model organism, Mycobacterium smegmatis by focusing on a group of peptidoglycan hydrolases, specifically, N- acetylmuramyl- L – alanine amidases (amidases). These have been shown to contribute to bacterial pathogenesis, adhesion to host cells resulting in inflammation, development of resistance towards beta – lactams, invasion capacity of the pathogen through the degradation of host physiological barriers. Nombeko’s research investigates whether they can serve as potential targets for novel – TB therapy.
We are proud of you Nombeko. You are a sterling example and role model to our edupropellers. They are lucky to have you, and so are we.
Written By Thulile Khanyile